Piensa Linux


The Linux penguin in the shape of the Apple logo.

It might be a bit paradoxical to place a Linux wallpaper on your Windows system, but nowadays anything is permissable, and anyway many users run both systems simultaeously. If you want to make it clear that you are pro Linux, then decorate your screen with this fun image of Tux (the Linux penguin) in the shape of the Apple logo. A curious and original composition.

This Think Linux wallpaper is 1024x768 pixel sized. However, if you prefer a different size for your system, several are available to download, for free, from the author`s ebsite.


Piensa Linux related downloads

Windows: We suck more


An ingenious wallpaper of the Linux's Tux sucking on a Windows-inspired drink.

Double Tux


A wallpaper in which you can see Tux, the famous Linux mascot, twice.

Full go camping


A fun wallpaper where Tux and Beastie burn Windows XP on the campfire.

Linux on Ice


A wallpaper where penguins run around a melting Windows logo.